WellSpeak — improve English speaking pronunciation with mobile app
Dazed by someone’s native English accent? Frustrated at failing to hold a decent conversation with a foreign speaker, after all those years spent in English classes? No worries, I’ll share a secret on how to improve your speaking skills and English pronunciation.
I do remember the time when I just started to learn English and took classes twice a week with 15 people in the classroom. Then back I didn’t have a chance to talk to a teacher or other students like me while we were studying. We spend almost all time learning grammar and listening teacher but not conversation English.
So after 5 months, I knew some rules, structures, and words, but the biggest challenge to me still was my speaking skills. I couldn’t talk and express my thoughts easily. I realized that I’m afraid of making a mistake in the sentence or the way I spell words is not good for the listener.
Do not spend much time on grammar! Start talking from the first day even if you are wrong!
To fix that problem started visiting a local free “English speaking club”. It’s a place where anyone can come and start expressing their thought just joining the conversation at the table. Yes, it’s difficult! You have to introduce yourself, you have to understand the topic and you shouldn’t afraid to talk!
After 6 months or so, I could express my thoughts in a very simple way. Before saying something, I thought, built a sentence in my head, and only when I felt confident I started to talk. It took me almost a year to not be afraid and be confident that what I’ve just said is understood by other people.
If you do not have people around you to talk to, it will be so hard to pass any exam like TOEFL, IELTS, or similar. At least the speaking part will be extremely difficult to pass.
Today, we have a lot of different apps (duolingo, ewa, babbel, etc) that could help you with a second language but almost all of them are about vocabulary and grammar. Sure, they partially cover speaking skills. You can say the way you want and the app recognizes you almost every time. They are not helping you with speaking skills, just provide you peace of training.
In “WellSpeak” we help people by improving their pronunciation, increasing confidence, and decreasing their level of fear. If I had “WellSpeak” in my pocket 5 years ago, I would not spend one year to speak easily and confidently almost like a native. I’d knew that my level of spoken English is good enough to join the conversation right now.